Your Corporate Internet Banking will look different but many of the features remain the same. We have included a user guide, the new RepublicOnline registration form, the training schedule and other information necessary for you to make the transition to this new and exciting platform.


Corporate Internet Banking

  • Will I need to register for RepublicOnline?

    Yes, you will be asked to complete the new registration form enclosed in your ReublicOnline welcome package to facilitate your access to the new online banking platform. This form will require you to confirm your company and site administrator details, and indicate your agreement with the RepublicOnline Terms and Conditions.

  • Can I use the same RepulicOnline login credentials to access my accounts in Republic Bank (BVI), Republic Bank (EC) and Republic Bank (Grenada)?

    You will be able use the same RepublicOnline login credentials to access your accounts in all territories except Republic Bank (BVI) and Republic Bank (St. Maarten). Access across territories will be as follows: • Shared RepublicOnline Access:
    o Republic Bank (Anguilla)
    o Republic Bank (Dominica)
    o Republic Bank (Grenada)
    o Republic Bank (St. Kitts and Nevis)
    o Republic Bank (St. Lucia)
    o Republic Bank (St. Vincent and the Grenadines)
    • Separate RepublicOnline Login Republic Bank (BVI)
    • Separate RepublicOnline (St. Maarten)

  • How will I know the new account numbers for our employees?

    Your employees should provide you with their new account numbers directly. We are also prepared to work with your organisation to ensure that your payroll/ direct credit file meets the Bank’s specifications for processing on our corporate online banking platform. We invite you to assign a liaison who can provide us with a sample payroll file which we will validate, test on our system and return to you to be used as a sample file for future payroll processing when the new system goes live on April 4, 2022.

  • What are the file specifications for payroll or supplier file upload?

    The appendix of your RepublicOnline User Guide contains complete details of the file specifications for upload.

  • Will my registered payees (third parties, utilities, subscriptions etc.) be migrated to the RepublicOnline platform?

    Registered payees will not be migrated to the new platform. Their details will need to be entered into the new platform.

  • Will I be able to access RepublicOnline prior to go live to set up our company's profile?

    The platform will only be accessible after our new systems go live on April 4.

  • Is the 2nd factor authentication mandatory?

    Yes. This provides an added layer of security for our users and is set up during your initial registration process.

  • If I select the RepublicMobile app as my second factor of authentication, can I switch to using SMS instead?

    Yes. To change your second factor of authentication, simply visit RepublicOnline, go to settings and register your new preferred method.

  • Would SMS incur charges for the user?

    Yes. You also have other options for 2nd factor authentication, such as the mobile app.

  • Does the temporary password email notification come from an automated user?

    Yes. When your RepublicOnline registration is approved you will receive an automated email from “RepublicOnline” containing a temporary password.

  • Who is the point of contact for file uploads?

    Your Client Relationship Manager is your main contact for file uploads.

  • Do I have the flexibility of creating multiple approval levels within the IC banking platform?

    Yes. With the platform approval schemes can be created to allow multiple approval levels.

  • Must approval schemes be created for every transaction?

    Yes. Approval schemes allows your company to identify users and their authorisation limits to conduct transactions and must be created for every transaction.

  • Does the system allow for two site administrators?

    Yes. Your main administrator must take the action to set up additional administrators/users. Each site can have up to 5 admins (maximum). However, the number of users can be unlimited.

  • What is my customer ID?

    Your customer ID would have been shared with you along with your new Republic Bank account number. You’ll need your customer for registration and any future instances where a user needs to be verified.
    Please contact your Client Relationship Manager if you have not received your new account details.

  • Will copies of processed vouchers and cheques be available for viewing on RepublicOnline to aid with reconciliation in real time?

    Only copies of the cheques will be available for viewing on RepublicOnline. Vouchers will not be available.

  • How far back does the statement history go?

    Your statement history will show your last 12 statements. The time covered by your last 12 statements depends on the frequency of your statements. For example, if you receive quarterly statements, your statement history will extend to the last 12 quarters. If you receive daily statements, your statement history will extend to the last twelve days.

  • If one of the account numbers on the .csv payroll file is incorrect, will the payment still go through?

    Payments made to incorrect Republic Bank account numbers will not be processed. However, payments made to incorrect numbers from other banks will be processed, as the Bank is unable to validate the other bank account numbers.
    If payment is made to an incorrect account number, the funds will be returned through ECACH.

Document Name

Download Link

Corporate User's Internet Banking Guide


Corporate Registration Form


Sample Corporate Registration Form


Corporate Site Administrator


Terms and Conditions



RepublicOnline Corporate Demos