The name and other features of your chequing account may change depending on your account type. You can continue to use your existing stock of cheques up to the conversion date. We will update you on the specific changes to your account in due course.



  • Why do I have to change my cheque books?

    As part of our ongoing transition to the Republic Bank brand, customers are required to use Republic Bank (EC) branded cheque books which reflect your new Republic Bank account details.

  • What will happen to my chequing account?

    The name and other features of your chequing account may change depending on the type of account you have.

  • When should I stop using my current cheques?

    You should stop using your current stock of cheques as follows:
    St. Maarten- Continue to use your existing stock until further notice.
    The BVI- April 30, 2022


  • When should I start using my new cheques?

    You should start using your new cheques from May 1, 2022 (BVI Only).

  • What should I do with my old cheques?

    From May 1, 2022, you should discontinue use of and destroy your old stock of cheques (BVI Only).

  • When will I receive my cheques?

    Chequing account customers have a supply of Republic Bank cheques with new account details available for collection at their home branches.

  • Do I have to pay for new cheque books?

    The Bank will provide you with two cheque books with twenty-five leaves each, at no cost to you.

  • Will the Bank honour payments issued using the old cheques?

    Cheques issued before and up to April 30, 2022 will be honoured for six months thereafter (October 31, 2022).

Cheques (Special Printing)

  • I print special cheques, have there been any changes to the new format?

    Yes, from May 1, 2022, the following changes will be made to the cheque format:
    • New Logo
    • New MICR Line with:
    o New branch transit number
    o New institution ID number
    o Your new 12-digit chequing account number

  • Where can I find the specifications for privately printed cheques?

    If you have not received an email containing the specifications for privately printed cheques, please contact your Relationship Manager as soon as possible so that they can update you.

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